Because the field of communication is constantly evolving, we asked ourselves what the communication trends would be in 2023?
In this article, we invite you to review all the future trends that we have detected!

Advocacy employee: all influencers
One of the main communication trends at the dawn of 2023 is employee advocacy. This process allows a company to transform its employees and all the organization's stakeholders into brand ambassadors. He is also sometimes called the “all influencer”. It assumes that companies are full of talent, some of whom are already content creators or influencers, and is based on the use of social networks (generally LinkedIn) in order to increase the visibility of a company. The strategy should therefore encourage employees to participate in these programs. Some companies have already understood this and use their employees to create content related to their respective expertise.
This is especially the case with our customer Shine. Marine Bryskoski (Head Of Communication) briefly explains in this live how the company motivates its employees to communicate on LinkedIn.
Also to be read:
Video: the preferred content
One thing is certain, in 2023 video consumption will continue to increase. There has never been as much interest in video as it is today. For businesses, they represent a large-scale means of communication that is essential to exploit. In fact, 82% of businesses believe that video content is an important part of their marketing strategy aimed at younger generations. Video content is king and there are plenty of statistics to prove it. Today, the key to making a video buzz on social networks is generally simple: quality production, an informative and convincing message, a bit of innovation and humor, and that's it!
Also to be read:
- Rise of live videos

In 2023, live video (Live) will continue its explosive growth. It turns out that the great journey of Covid-19 around the world in 80 days will have had a strong impact on the development of users' need to connect. Live video offers numerous opportunities (both for content creators and brands) to meet the new needs of their targets, namely: consuming “human content”. In 2023, more than ever, it is essential for a company to make itself accessible to its audience, to allow them to ask their questions on social networks and to answer them in real time to increase their engagement and trust. Live webinars, question and answer sessions, product demonstrations are examples of live content that you can produce and that will be on the rise in 2023.
Today, many platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Tiktok, Twitch and LinkedIn offer direct/live features. So what are you waiting for to get started?
Video animation
Animated video has become one of the most accurate tools for marketing purposes. It is certainly one of the biggest trends of the next year. This highly creative form of communication offers a medium of storytelling and visual entertainment that can bring information enjoyment to people of all ages, all over the world.
According to Forbes, animated videos would have twice the impact of conversions than a more traditional means such as the use of graphic visuals and others... This tool adapts not only to the constraints of the web, but also to the needs of busy Internet users insofar as it allows you to simplify your message, strengthen your brand image and differentiate yourself from your competitors. It is probably the most versatile and explicit means of communication ever designed for rapid appreciation on a large scale.
Transparency and sincerity: fundamental values.
At the height of the pandemic, we saw many brands acting in the best interests of the collective good and this is expected to continue in 2023 and beyond. To strengthen feelings of trust and loyalty, brands will need to continue to focus on authenticity and transparency. Consumers expect a brand to not only have an image but also a positive impact. So, with the ease of access to information, consumers are very familiar with marketing techniques and brand tips. When they spot something inconsistent, they rush to share their discontent on the networks, which can damage the brand's reputation. Consumers are therefore demanding more transparency and sincerity, which represents a change and a stimulating challenge for marketing and communication specialists.
Maximum personalization
Especially since in 2023, users will be looking for more personalized content every day. It is therefore essential to keep in mind that personalization should be at the heart of your marketing/communication strategy next year. Social media algorithms such as Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok have understood this for a long time and this is the reason why they have developed and now offer content that matches the preferences of users. From now on, ads on social networks will therefore be even more targeted.

The return of formats that we thought were forgotten
This is one of the biggest trends mentioned by Nicolas Martrenchard, Account Supervisor at the Babylone agency, during the live/podcast Du Bruit En Coulisse on September 14.
The newsletter
“The newsletter is out of fashion! Nobody opens their emails anymore” if this sentence made sense a few years ago, know that the reality is quite different. Today, the newsletter is back in force and remains one of the most profitable marketing channels. Social networks such as LinkedIn or Twitter have launched their newsletter creation tools directly from their platform and they should not be overlooked!
By creating a newsletter on LinkedIn, you will be able to build up a real audience very quickly, in particular thanks to the power of LinkedIn push notifications, which will notify your entire community when they are published, which will bring engagement and boost your content to the algorithm.
The podcast
We are more and more used to having what we want, when we want it, whether it's TV shows, music, movies... That's why the podcast has been so successful lately. It offers a great diversity to listeners and that's what pleases! Entertainment, pop culture, psychology, news... there is something for everyone!
More and more businesses are adding this format to their marketing strategy and in 2023, this phenomenon will only increase!

Fast-growing platforms
Thanks to the number of users, it is quite easy to see a significant emergence of what can be called “new social networks” such as TikTok and Twitch.
Twitch, this livestream platform offers live content that is very popular at the moment as we mentioned above. Although Twitch was previously popular with streamers for broadcasting their video games, the platform has been democratizing and for some time now, we have been finding all types of content: music, news, charity events, charity events, debates, politics...
More and more brands are integrating the platform into their marketing strategy.
In his live with Clifford Mahu on The Strategies of Com that are a hit on social networks, Nicolas Martrenchard, account supervisor at Babylone, explains “One of Twitch's flagship shows is Popcorn by Domingo! When you look at last weekend's ZEvent, you realize that they broke the fundraising record without having huge streamers outside of those who were there traditionally. Twitch is therefore becoming an essential platform and brands have understood this well... BFM has its Twitch channel, there is also PSG for example, which broadcasts training sessions on its Twitch channel, so there is not only gaming, there is now only gaming.”
However, the question arises whether a brand can invest in the Twitch platform without using the other social networks beforehand. Nicolas will answer “Today TikTok has become essential, many brands first launch on the platform before going elsewhere, we are not immune to the same thing happening for Twitch in the coming years.”
TikTok, which is no longer presented, offers short and viral video content of less than one minute. The higher the readability rate of the videos, the more viral the content can be. Influencers and brands encourage this very short content so that the audience can share it via SMS or Whatsapp. This content, which is called “snackable”, meaning that we consume by swiping, will remain one of the major trends in 2023! And yes, it is not for nothing that the average time spent by a TikTok user is 52 minutes per day! The shorter and more compelling the content, the more the curiosity of viewers is stimulated!